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I told you there is something special coming today and here it is: my first Hidoku puzzle! These puzzles have been introduced earlier this year and it seems they’re catching on. They are being published under the name “Hidato” but I will have to use Hidoku.

The rules of Hidoku (Hidato™):

1. It can be played on a square or rectangle of any size 2. Numbers from 1 to the size of the puzzle are used. For example, for 9×9 puzzles, numbers from 1 to 81 are used. 3. First and last numbers are always shown in the puzzle and they’re circled. 4. Now, the main rule: consecutive numbers MUST BE adjacent to each other, horizontally, vertically OR diagonally. Therefore, there is a connected path of consecutive numbers from 1 to 81 (or whatever the size). Your job, of course, is to fill in all the numbers. 9×9 Hidoku for Friday, October 24, 2008.
(click to download or right-click to save the image!)

Hidoku book, large print

To see the solution to this puzzle click here
Questions, comments, ideas?
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One Comment

  1. Scott Urman
    Posted October 24, 2008 at 7:36 pm | Permalink

    Pretty neat! Took me 20 minutes or so but I bet they could be a lot harder… I like all the variations you keep adding to the site!

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